Where and how to buy a cauldron: the best stores and recommendations for connoisseurs of oriental cuisine

A cauldron is an essential part of oriental cuisine and is a large cast iron pot used for cooking a variety of dishes. If you are a connoisseur of oriental cuisine and are looking for the perfect cauldron for cooking pilaf, shurpa or other delicious dishes, you need to know where and how to buy it. In this article, we will tell you about the best stores and give you tips on choosing a quality cauldron.

Why is it important to choose a quality cauldron?

The choice of cauldron is crucial to the quality of the food you cook. That is why it is important to pay attention to the following aspects when buying one:

  • Material: one of the most important aspects is the material from which the cauldron is made. Traditional cauldrons are made of cast iron or copper. Cast iron cauldrons retain heat well and distribute it evenly, making them an excellent choice for cooking pilaf and other dishes. Copper cauldrons also have excellent heat-conducting properties, but they can be more expensive.
  • Size: choose the size of the cauldron according to the number of people you will be cooking for. For family dinners a larger cauldron is suitable, for picnics or camping it is better to choose a compact cauldron.
  • Wall thickness: it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the cauldron. The thicker the walls, the better the cauldron retains heat and distributes it evenly.
  • Coating: some cauldrons have a special non-stick coating that makes cooking easier and simplifies the care of the cookware. However, traditional cauldrons usually do not have such a coating.

Best stores to buy a cauldron

  • Online stores: there are many online stores that specialize in selling cookware, including cauldrons. Check the reliability and reputation of the store before buying.
  • Specialized stores for cooking utensils: in big cities, there are often specialized stores where you can buy cauldrons and other oriental cooking utensils. This is a great place to choose a cauldron and get advice from experts.
  • Markets and fairs: markets and fairs often offer a wide range of cauldrons of different sizes and materials. This can be a more affordable option, especially if you are looking for a budget option.

Tips for choosing a cauldron

  1. Research the market: research different stores and brands before buying to choose the best cauldron at an affordable price.
  2. Read reviews: check out customer reviews of cauldrons to learn about their quality and effectiveness.
  3. Check the quality certificates: make sure that the cauldron you choose has the necessary quality certificates and complies with safety standards.
  4. Pay attention to the price and warranty: compare prices in different stores and check the warranty terms before buying.

Recommendations for cooking in a cauldron

When making pilaf, soak the rice in water for a few hours before cooking so that it swells well. Do not forget to add enough oil or fat to the cauldron before cooking to make the food juicy and flavorful. Stir the food in the cauldron regularly to avoid burning and to distribute the heat evenly.

By following these tips and choosing a high quality cauldron, you will be able to enjoy delicious oriental dishes right at home.

Secrets of choosing a cauldron: from tradition to innovation in the world of cooking delicious pilaf